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Where to find the best mobile phone plans in Australia? (updated 2021)

Robert Tickner • 17 November 2019

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How to get a FREE mobile SIM card on the Telstra phone network for 12 months!


  • Simple minimalist mobile phone plan
  • Super fast mobile phone data speeds
  • Why choose Belong mobile?
  • What a Belong mobile SIM plan looks like
  • 7 things you'll love being a Belong mobile customer
  • How to connect your phone number to Belong
  • Downsides on being a Belong mobile customer


So, c'mon... You are actually going to try to convince me that there is a better mobile phone plan in Australia that i should be sign up for? YES (plus you might not have to pay for it for 12 months!)

Wait up. Hold on. Give me the chance to explain WHY and how this could be the right option not just for you, but most importantly, for your whole family and friends.

Why should you listen to me anyway? Hear me out...

So, the time had come when when I'd parted ways with a Telstra Enterprise Partner and been in the telecommunications industry for better part of fifteen years. I worked with the big guns like Optus & Telstra. I've seen all the deals. I lived and breathed mobiles from the first iPhone 3s launched in Australia (and the good old Nokia days). I was in the consumer mobile market, then moved across to small business, enterprise mobility and even looked after many Government mobile fleet services across many organisational industries. Yes, from one mobile user to thousands of mobile fleet services I owned it. Heck, I might even go back to the industry.

Loyal and happy customers still call me for advise, especially those in the Not-for-Profit industry, "who should i be with" Can you help me out?

So the time had come when I actually had to pay for my own mobile phone plan again!

I want to tell you why I choose Belong Mobile (been using them for over 12 months) as my preferred mobile carrier in Australia, and why you should seriously consider it too.

Why choose Belong mobile?

Belong's simple website header reads 'Flexible options for broadband and mobile'

They leave it up to you to, to sign up, set up your service and manage your account, when it suits you.

You'd think in this day and ages we'd be able to do that ourselves, but that's why their target audience is Millennials & Generation Z.

Why? They know a good deal. They won't absorb the BS like other (our) generations will, like get this 'NEW' phone on one of our many new confusing mobile plans.

So let's break down why you might want to choose Belong mobile.

If mobile speed for your service is important, don't mistake this service as just another mobile carrier

Don't go down the path of a mobile reseller. Please re-read this statement again.
It's 4G. It's not reselling it so you can get a better deal at a cheaper price on a shared network. And as we know Telstra is leading the march in 5G, so you'll get it soon anyway.

Of course there are cheaper mobile plan options going around, but what is that I'm saying is most Australian's rely on a robust mobile network, and that's Telstra.

look at their older logo, I think you'll get my point.

Australia first Minimalist mobile phone plan?

If you are like most Australians (including myself), you love using WiFi, and that's either generally found at home or many work-place businesses. So, if you really break down the time in between these places and mobile phone usages, you'll find it's quite low or can be if there's a little effort put in. For instance, I use around 6GB per month on average an although I wouldn't call myself a minimalist, being aware data usage it's a minimalist approach being aware of the data I use.

Belong mobile SIM plan value

Pick your great value SIM-only mobile plans with Belong. Starting at only $10 a month, and only goes up to $40 a month with 40GB of mobile data.

Don't you just love a mobile Telecommunications company that offers 3 simple plans?

Now the plans are just OK for Australia mobile phone standards, but let's look at the key benefits to better understand where the value is really hiding.

Top 7 things you'll love being a Belong mobile customer

1. Belong mobile data banking

Forget mobile data roll-over.

Forget if you don't use it you loose it, telecommunication tricks.

Belong mobile data actually accumulates. No gimmicks here. If you don't use all your data it just adds what you didn't use onto the start of the next month. Simple.

So, let me explain this. If you are on the $40 a month option and only use 6GB next month, you'll have 74GB right from the very start of the month (34GB unused + 40GB for the monthly plan).

2. Belong mobile data gifting

Wait, what? That's right.

At any time you want to GIFT any of your UNUSED mobile data, meaning any unused mobile data you might have, you can transfer it at 1GB amounts an upwards at a time to any other Belong mobile phone customer.

This is handy especially as you have unlimited data bank with Belong, so store up your data and transfer it to you partner or friends.

3. Belong mobile coverage in Australia via Telstra


Think Telstra mobile network, then look at Belong's older logo.


Then look at Telstra's mobile market share.


You don't have to be good at math's to understand it's owned by Telstra.



Belong operates as part of the Telstra mobile network, with 4G coverage available to 97% of the Australian population and 3G coverage available to more than 98.8% of the population.


4. International calls and text are unlimited with Belong mobiles

Unlimited international calls and text to the following selected countries:

Included on the $40 SIM-ONLY mobile plan or just $5 a month extra on the $10 plan or $25 plan.

Country Country Country Country
Austria Germany Malaysia Taiwan
Bangladesh Greece Netherlands Thailand
Cambodia Hong Kong New Zealand Turkey
Canada Hungary Pakistan United Kingdom
Chile India Philippines USA
China Indonesia Poland Vietnam
Colombia Ireland Singapore
Croatia Italy South Africa
France Japan South Korea
If the country you want isn't there yet, watch their website for updates.

5. No big bills with Belong mobile

Never go over your monthly cost, it's impossible. You are in control.

There are no hidden costs or contracts and you can cancel at any time.

6. How to get free SIM card on Belong Mobile for 12 months with a Belong PROMO CODE 2020

Introduce a friend to Belong and you'll both receive a $20 credit once your friend joins.

You can only introduce up to 10 friends - so that's up to $200 worth of credit you can use to pay off you invoices.

If you don't have a friend on Belong, I'll be yours to start with, so use my FREE $20 Credit to get you started!

Here's what is will look like when you open the App.

Your Belong promo code IAFBW6T76 to use to claim your $20 free credit.

7. How to manage a better deal with Belong when connected

Ok. So this is the hook, this is why I'm with Belong.

You can change your plan on a month-by-month basis, as there is not contracts right. Plus they have built their mobile app to be self managed, so why not take advantage of this.

Here's my scenario - I use around 6GB per month, so you'd probably suggest I stay on the $25 a month plan right? Wrong. Here's why it's best to mix and stagger your monthly plan:

Staying on the $25 plan gives me data to gift to my family & friends.

Over 12 months Belong Plan Belong Monthly Data
January $25 10GB (-6GB for the month)
February $25 8GB (4GB + 10GB -6GB)
March $25 12GB (8GB + 10GB -6GB)
April $25 16GB (12GB + 10GB -6GB)
May $25 20GB (16GB + 10GB -6GB)
June $25 24GB (20GB + 10GB -6GB)
July $25 28GB (24GB + 10GB -6GB)
August $25 32GB (28GB + 10GB -6GB)
September $25 36GB (32GB + 10GB -6GB)
October $25 40GB (36GB + 10GB -6GB)
November $25 44GB (40GB + 10GB -6GB)
December $25 48GB (44GB + 10GB -6GB)
Total $300 48GB spare data
Now by the same scenario, mixing the plans up or down a little more, you can reduce your yearly amount down from $300 to only $180.

That's a 40% discount, and you'll still have plenty of data accumulating!
Over 12 months Belong Plan Belong Monthly Data
January $40 40GB (-6GB for the month)
February $40 74GB (34GB + 40G -6GB)
March $10 69GB (74GB + 1GB -6GB)
April $10 64GB (69GB + 1GB -6GB)
May $10 59GB (64GB + 1GB -6GB)
June $10 54GB (59GB + 1GB -6GB)
July $10 49GB (54GB + 1GB -6GB)
August $10 44GB (49GB + 1GB -6GB)
September $10 39GB (44GB + 1GB -6GB)
October $10 34GB (39GB + 1GB -6GB)
November $10 29GB (34GB + 1GB -6GB)
December $10 24GB (29GB + 1G -6GBB)
Total $180 24GB Spare data

How to connect your mobile phone plan with Belong

1. Fill out your details for your Belong SIM card

Simply fill out your details (name, address and email), so you can get your Belong mobile SIM post out. Then, wait for the SIM to arrive.

It's free postage, and don't worry about what size SIM card it is as comes in the 3 shapes for: Standard SIM (15 x 25mm), Micro SIM (12 x 15mm) & Nano SIM (8.8 x 12.3mm).

2. Port your mobile number to Belong, or get a new number

Keeping your old number?

To bring this across to Belong, you'll need your mobile phone account number or if you have a prepaid service you'll need to provide your date of birth, this will be asked in the set-up steps.


3. When you receive your Belong SIM card in the mail

Don't insert your Belong SIM just yet – you'll need it for the next few steps below.

  • Log back into your Belong account via desktop or Belong mobile app
  • Enter your mobile number (if porting) or select a random new number
  • Complete the set up your service
  • Enter payment method with either Debit or credit card

4. Payment and billing with Belong

You're set! Your subscription will renew after the first month on the day your started your service with Belong.

5 things that suck being a Belong mobile customer

Belong Google My Business September 2018  reviews
*Google snippet taken in September 2018

1. They treat it like a prepaid mobile service

That fact is you can download a mobile bill (statement) on their app, which is a good thing. So, it's like a post-paid mobile service.

However, as they consider it a prepaid mobile service you can't use it overseas. Boooo Belong! But you can access the app when overseas.

2. What the Belong mobile App login looks like

The Belong mobile app is actually good, and simple to navigate. However, logging into the app is very slow, I mean very very slow, we are talking 10-20 seconds before it shows how much data you have left.

3. You can't have multiple SIM card services with Belong mobile

Well, that's not exactly true.

You are only allow 1 SIM (phone number) per email address. So, if you have a tablet/iPad or even wanted 2 services on the one account you can't. The only way for this to happen is by using anther email address.

4. Belong customer service is it any good?

The Belong mobile SIM is amazing, however it's set-up as an online service or more like a self-service model. So don't expect what you might be used to from your typical phone provider like Telstra, Optus or Vodafone.

I totally fine reading Belong's FAQ's and can work things out, if you aren't that tech savvy ask a friend for help.

Most of their complaints seem to stem from services like ADSL or NBN broadband.

5. Does Belong offer Voicemail or a MessageBank on their mobile service?


Yes, that sucks.


All Belong mobile plans only include a Message2Txt service instead of voicemail. But, by default, if the call is unanswered after 15 seconds, it diverts to a Message2Txt service which takes a 10-second voice-to-text, and you'll only get a VERY small part of the Message2Txt service.

(Message2Txt converts compatible voice messages, up to 10 seconds long, to text and sends them straight to your mobile as a text message).

Final thoughts

With this blog post I personally explain why I've chosen to use Belong mobile as my preferred mobile phone carrier in Australia. Belong helps Australian's socially, and that connecting, that technology will keep me with them.

For me, It's all about keeping things more simpler in our day-to-day busy lives. If your needing help claiming your Google My Business listing, or web design services don't hesitate to reach out contact us at Social Space.

Feel free to connect with me if you like this, or leave your feedback below on your Belong experience.

Belong marketing is also fantastic!

Professional head shot of Robert Tickner who works at Social Space

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Hey there, I'm Robert Tickner!

I’m an online visibility consultant who helps local small businesses get noticed on Google search, and guides them on their digital journey. I build websites with structured web design practices through SEO services that get noticed on Google's search algorithms, write the occasional blog, and boost Google My Business listings to improve overall traffic that helps convert more potential new clients to your website.

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