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5 Most Effective SEO Strategies for 2022

Robert Tickner • May 28, 2022

Before jumping into the SEO strategies, let’s understand what SEO is and what SEO strategies are. 

SEO refers to search engine optimisation. SEO is the practice of maximizing search engine visibility by ranking your content or website as high as possible; preferably at the top. 

As with any objective, ranking your website on search engines requires effective strategies. 

These carefully acquired strategies that work for most websites are known as SEO strategies. 

As search engines show ads to their users, they love to provide relevant information to us. 

The content relevancy attribute depends on you. If you generate content that is worth your audience’s time, you would also be blessed by the search engines, and if not, hoping for organic traffic would be a long stretch without digital marketing agencies. 

But, worry not. Although a detailed discussion of all the SEO strategies is beyond the scope of this article, we shall discuss all of the important ones for 2022.

5 Most Effective SEO Strategies for 2022

5 Tips To Build An Effective SEO Strategy

When it comes to SEO, there is no single magic rule that works for every website. 

There were loopholes present in the Google algorithm that was used to help websites rank higher on the search engines, but that’s the story of the past.

Now, in 2022, ranking higher requires a lot more effort and consistency. 

1. Keyword Research

Ranking organically on search engines requires generating content and increasing authenticity. 

To generate content that the users are looking for in the search engines, keyword research is the first step. 

You need to indulge yourself with a SEO company in the process of keyword research to find three kinds of keywords: 

  • Short tail - composed of 1-2 keywords that are highly competitive and have a high keyword search volume.
  • Long tail - has more than 4 words that are not searched in Google that much. Long-tail keywords have low search volumes.
  • Medium tail - medium tail keywords are moderately competitive and are composed of 3-4 words.

A digital marketing agency can help you to learn and implement keyword strategies more effectively. 

A short tail keyword is a word or two that the users try to find on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). Short tail keywords are theoretically harder to rank as many users search for these keywords irrespective of their query. Take SEO as an example. A user could be looking for SEO website design, SEO full-form, or SEO strategies. It’s hard to rank on short-tail keywords without knowing what they are focusing on. 

A medium and long-tail keyword kicks the issue out of the park. While they focus more on the exact queries that the user may have, they can also appear when a short-tail keyword is searched. 

Although long-tail keywords are easier to rank, you can’t utterly neglect short-tail keywords. 

Choose 10-12 such words or phrases that are well-known to the industry and your audience. Research the keywords with the help of specialized tools like Spyfu and Ahrefs. 

These tools display the monthly search volume, competitiveness, and related search results of the keywords. You can develop the first few pillar posts with the researched short-tail keywords. 

The topics that sit in the middle are called pillar-posts. The other topics just branch out from them. 

Once you’ve decided on your pillar posts, experiment with the long and medium tail keywords to develop content around it.

2. Content Quality and Structure

Consider Google as a human. Don’t develop content as if you are stuffing keywords and cramming information. Make the search engines understand what you are talking about.

Keyword cramming used to work in the past. Some websites even used to insert keywords in the stylesheet itself to trick Google. 

However, that practice was deemed useless after many businesses were destroyed after the Penguin update

Now, you don’t need to stuff keywords in the content. Just push keywords (1%-2%) that are relevant to the content and you’ll be good to go if your content offers something new and interesting. 

As for content, blogs are quite effective in luring customers to your website. But the content structure must follow SEO practices.

The SEO practices depend on how we comprehend an article as humans and what the search engine crawlers index. 

The most structurally critical element is to have metadata in your content. Meta-title and meta-description are the two sub-parts of metadata. The “meta” refers to the “most effective tactics available”. 

The metadata tells search engines to show the particular title and description on the SERPs rather than showing a random piece from the content. 

When developing content, try to not over-complicate the discussion. Though it all depends on the topic and the intended audience, having a comprehensible approach goes a long way. 

Our brain plays dirty games with the paragraph width. Don’t make paragraphs super lengthy. A blocky paragraph on a big screen feels like a mountain on smaller ones.

Mobile Optimisation for a better SEO Strategy

3. Mobile Optimisation

The number of users who surf the internet “only” through their mobile devices has been increasing rapidly over the years. 

Search engines like Google consider this fact while ranking the websites. 

If your website isn’t optimised for mobile through the means of responsive web design, your chances of ranking on SERPs grow slim. Consult a digital marketing specialist to develop a mobile-optimised website

Mobile optimisation also requires you to compress your images before uploading them to your website. The loading speed and UX UI design of your website are also contributing factors to SEO. Due to the hardware and network limitations, page speed is more of a determining factor for mobile users than desktop users. 

Since the screen is smaller, you need to shorten the meta-title and meta-description to stay in parallel with the interests of mobile users and SEO strategies. 

4. Consider Link-Building

Inbound and Outbound links contribute to the overall SEO more than the content. That doesn’t mean the content isn’t important, but the inbound and outbound links increase the authenticity of your content in the eyes of search engines. 

Inbound links to your website from other websites, inbound links from your website to your website, and outbound links to other high DR websites increase the chances of your ranking higher on SERPs. 

Guest blogging is an effective way to encourage other websites with higher DR to link your content. You can approach the websites to write content for their blog and slip a link or two. 

Outbound links that you link to other high DR (Domain Rating) websites also help increase the authority of your content. When you cite websites that have authority over a niche, you gain a significant advantage over your competitors. 

5. Competitive Analysis

The best way to understand the latest SEO strategies is by following your competitors and analyzing what they are doing right. 

Depending on the volume of the website, your competitor might have access to organic metrics that helped develop niche-specific SEO strategies. 

Through competitive analysis, you would be able to comprehend which pages and keywords they rank on. Since the rankings keep changing, you shall determine the factors they’ve implemented to their latest top pages that weren’t present before. 

The competitive analysis must also be done on the social media profiles of your competitors. A sudden increase in their social media activity, an abrupt change in the content structure, and changes in audience engagement may point to SEO strategies that they are following. 

The Bottom Line On Creating An Effective SEO Strategy

Hopefully, you would be able to implement these SEO strategies on your website to gain a significant amount of traffic. Quality content is always the priority. To support the quality content, you need to do keyword research and competitive analysis. To further improve the SEO game, a better website experience and link-building strategies should be considered. 

Professional head shot of Robert Tickner who works at Social Space

About Social Space

Hey there, I'm Robert Tickner!

I’m an online visibility consultant who helps local small businesses get noticed on Google search, guiding them on their digital journey for growth. I build websites with structured web design practices through SEO services that get noticed on Google's search algorithms, write the occasional blog, and boost Google Business Profile listings to improve overall traffic that helps convert more potential clients to your website.

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